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Master's programme in Molecular Biology - Immunology and Infection Biology

120 credits The programme focusses on areas that play a central role in immunology and infection biology. You will take courses in microbiology, immunology and infection biology, during which theory is integrated with training of laboratory skills. You also have the possibility to achieve insights into the drug development process, from research to clinical use, and extensive training in oral and - 2025-03-11

Genetic Analysis BIOR92

7,5 credits The general aim of the course is that students on completion of the course should have developed a population genetic way of thinking and use this to plan and perform genetic analyses, including analyses of results from population genetics research. Course descriptionCentral for the course is population genetic theory and its applications. The course focuses on the gene, family and pop - 2025-03-11

Applied Bioinformatics BIOR93

7,5 credits The purpose of the course is for students to acquire a general understanding of bioinformatics concepts and tools commonly used in biology and molecular biology. You will be trained to conduct bioinformatics research with purpose of answering scientific questions in various biological subject areas. Course description Major technological advances in affordable nucleic acid sequencing h - 2025-03-11

Kursöversikter - Course overviews

Here you find course lists for students at the Department of Biology. In Swedish below. Course overviews and planning listsFind the courses offered by the Department of Biology presented by what time during the year that they are offered.Course overview 2024-2025 (pdf)For our master's students - please use the planning lists below, they show courses also from other departments which our programme - 2025-03-11

Master's programme in Molecular Biology - Microbiology

120 credits Knowledge about microbes and their diversity, physiology and genetics, as well as classical and modern tools to study them are important and highly relevant for work or research in many areas of biology, including molecular biology, infectious diseases and ecology. The Microbiology master’s programme provides education and training that is highly competitive and very suitable for emplo - 2025-03-11

Master's programme in Molecular Biology (General)

120 credits The general master’s programme in Molecular biology provides you with an opportunity to design your own programme. You choose from around 30 courses at advanced level in molecular biology and plan an individual course of study. Areas included are for example cell- and molecular biology, molecular biotechnology and medical biology. During your studies, you integrate theoretical analysis - 2025-03-11

Meet our Bioinformatics alumni

Vi Varga, MSc in Bioinformatics, 2022PhD student at Gothenburg University Sweden.I now work as a PhD student at the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. Specifically, I am at the Division of Systems and Synthetic Biology, within the Department of Life Sciences.  Here I work on two primary projects: orthologous clustering and functional annotation of the genome of the bacterial - 2025-03-11

Biological Systems EXTQ20

7,5 credits In biology and medicine there are many different modelling methods. This course consists of six separate projects that each consist of 2 or 3 two hours lectures followed by a whole-day exercise. Each student should then write a report on the exercise after which the responsible teacher will grade the report on a scale 1-5 with 3 as a pass. The overall grade for the whole course will be - 2025-03-11

Master's programme in Molecular Biology - Medical Biology

120 credits The programme is offered for the last time autumn 2022. The programme focusses on areas that play a central role in pharmaceutical and biotechnological development. You will take courses in pharmacology, immunology and infection biology, during which theory is integrated with training of laboratory skills. You will also achieve insights into the drug development process, from research - 2025-03-11

Sensory Biology BIOR20

15 cr Course description The aim of the course to give a thorough introduction to the senses, their function at all levels and their role in the behaviour, communication and interactions of animals to give practical skills in the physiological and psychophysical methods used in sensory biology to provide a basis for continued studies or professional work in zoology, physiology, ecology and medical - 2025-03-11

Meet our Biology alumni

Nina Black, MSc in Biology, Animal Ecology, 2022Curatorial assistant in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge I am currently a curatorial assistant in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. My job is part of a National Science Foundation grant working to preserve genetic material from primary type specimens. Primary type - 2025-03-11

Master's programme in Molecular Biology - Microbiology and Biotechnology

120 credits Knowledge about microbes and their diversity, physiology and genetics, as well as classical and modern tools to study them are important and highly relevant for work or research in many areas of biology, including molecular biology, infectious diseases and ecology. The Microbiology and Biotechnology master’s programme provides education and training that is highly competitive and very - 2025-03-11

Molecular Biotechnology and Methods BIOR94

15 credits Course descriptionWho should take this courseThis course is an advanced course in the subject areas of Molecular Biology and is appropriate for students who focus on Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Biomedicine and similar topics. There is a special focus on applied aspects within Molecular Biotechnology and Genetics.Course contentThe overall aim of the course is for the student to acq - 2025-03-11

Evolutionary Plant Ecology BIOR99

15 credits After completing this course, you will have acquired in-depth knowledge in evolutionary plant ecology, including plant evolution, adaptation and speciation as well as how these processes are affected by life history, reproduction and interactions with other organisms. The course also aims to give the student the tools to carry out analyzes and studies of plants and plant communities as - 2025-03-11

Master's programme in Molecular Biology - Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology

120 credits The master’s programme in Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology focuses on the areas that constitute the basis in molecular genetics, including gene technology, cell biology, molecular biology and biotechnology. The programme is highly connected to research, with emphasis on genetic mechanisms underlying disease, mapping, and diagnostic methods. As a student, you will achieve practical - 2025-03-11

Bachelor's degree programmes

Programme 180 credits | 3 years | Bachelor's degree At the Department of Biology, we offer Bachelor's programmes in Biology and in Molecular Biology. The programme is for three years and correspond to 180 ECTS cr. The language of instruction is Swedish. Learn more about our Bachelor's programmes at our Swedish webpage Questions? Christina Ledje, study advisor, molecular biologyTelephone: +46 46 22 - 2025-03-11


Biology, Molecular biology and Bioinformatics We offer a wide variety of courses in biology, molecular biology, and bioinformatics. For the majority of our advanced level courses, the language of instruction is English, while it is Swedish for the courses at basic level (bachelor's level). If you are studying at the final year of your bachelor's programme, you may take advanced level courses. Chec - 2025-03-11


Study Biology, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics with us Courses Bachelor's degree programmes Master's degree programmes Study advisors Christina Ledje, study advisor, molecular biologyTelephone: +46 46 222 73 16E-mail: Christina [dot] Ledje [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Christina[dot]Ledje[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se) Lotta Persmark, Study advisor, biology and bioinformaticsTelephone: +46 46 222 37 2 - 2025-03-11

Basic courses

The language of instruction in all of our courses at Bachelor's level is Swedish.  Basic coursesFor further information of the basic courses given in Swedish, please visit our Swedish siteBotany and Zoology BIOB10, 15 creditsCell and Microbiology BIOA10, 15 creditsEcology BIOC13, 15 creditsEcology BIOC12, 7.5 creditsEnvironmental Law MNXC01, 15 creditsExperimental Design and Analysis for Biologist - 2025-03-11

Antibiotics – Biology and Chemistry BIOR56

7,5 credits Course description Antibiotics are very important compounds. The majority of all known antibiotics are produced by bacteria. Antibiotics were once regarded as miracle drugs. However, they are becoming less effective as bacteria develop resistance against them. The increasing occurrence of micro-organisms that are resistant to multiple antibiotics constitutes a serious threat to human h - 2025-03-11